order fulfillment pricing

CAPLINQ provides cooled LCL delivery from NY to Rotterdam

If you do not want to use an entire con­tain­er for your cooled LCL ship­ment, an LCL (Less Than Con­tain­er Load Trans­port) ship­ment might be the per­fect solu­tion for your busi­ness. LCL keeps goods mov­ing in your sup­ply chain since you can send them as soon as they are all set, rather than wait­ing until you have a full container.

LCL is insured to be well orga­nized, planned and managed.

CAPLINQ offers cooled LCL

When you choose CAPLINQ for your LCL cooled ship­ping needs you can always expect:

  • Extreme­ly com­pet­i­tive price
  • A trained pro­fes­sion­al staff
  • An accu­rate con­trol on security
  • The high­est lev­el of ser­vice standards

There are a number of advantages that your business can have while opting for CAPLINQ cooled LCL:


Since LCL allows busi­ness­es to deal with small order vol­umes, it offers ship­pers total flexibility.

Delineated costs

Anoth­er great ben­e­fit of LCL is that it makes it sim­ple to allo­cate freight charges. This is because the order amount of an LCL ship­ment or the cubic foot size of the order is absolute­ly clear.

Preferential treatment

This is due to the fact that the LCL con­tain­ers move at high­er ship­ping rates as com­pared to the usu­al FCL (full con­tain­er load).

CAPLINQ is the ONLY com­pa­ny that pro­vides COOLED LCL deliv­ery from NY to Rot­ter­dam. If you need a reli­able, cost-effec­tive way to trans­port your tem­per­a­ture-sen­si­tive ship­ments to and from your cus­tomers around the globe, the cooled LCL it’s the best option for you. CAPLINQ is the only com­pa­ny that offers the ser­vice of cooled less than con­tain­er load trans­port between NY and Rotterdam.


CAPLINQ is a spe­cial­ty chem­i­cals, plas­tics and prod­ucts com­pa­ny that spe­cial­izes in mak­ing for­eign com­pa­nies com­pete on a lev­el play­ing field with Euro­pean sup­pli­ers. With more than 300MT year­ly of chem­i­cals and plas­tics com­ing through Rot­ter­dam in the Nether­lands and a staff of engi­neers and tech­ni­cal rep­re­sen­ta­tives, CAPLINQ is a mod­ern-day mar­ket part­ner. Using dig­i­tal-age tools and the same legal tech­niques multi­na­tion­als use, we cre­ate a Euro­pean pres­ence for for­eign com­pa­nies with­out them requir­ing to set up a Euro­pean enti­ty through our order ful­fill­ment Europe ser­vice. For more infor­ma­tion vis­it us or con­tact us if you have fur­ther ques­tions on cooled LCL deliv­ery from NY to Rotterdam.

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