adhesion promoter and primer

Aculon Adhesion Promoter & Primer for Surface Treatments

Primers and pro­mot­ers are the advanced solu­tions that offer a sup­port for top­coats while poten­tial­ly elim­i­nat­ing for sand­ing or rub­bing sur­faces. A primer is a sub­stance that is used as a prepara­to­ry coat on mate­ri­als; espe­cial­ly, to pre­vent the absorp­tion of paints, and more.

While an adhe­sion pro­mot­er is used as an addi­tive to pro­mote adhe­sion of coat­ings, addi­tives to the sub­strate of inter­est. With­out using the adhe­sion pro­mot­er, the prop­er­ties of the coat­ing is not enough to meet the require­ments need­ed for the final product.

Acu­lon adhe­sion pro­mot­ers or primers are known to improve the adhe­sion char­ac­ter­is­tics of met­als through the self-assem­bled mono­lay­ers of phos­pho­nates. They con­sist of the reac­tive group that bond with the coat­ings con­tain­ing func­tion­al groups such as oxide, epox­ies, acry­lates, and polyurethanes par­ti­cles. More­over, being a proven sup­pli­er of indus­tri­al grade coat­ings, they have intro­duced their patent­ed Hydrox­yl and Methacry­late Func­tion­al Promoter.

These pro­mot­ers have a mono­lay­er to mul­ti­lay­er to mono­lay­er thick­ness and a uni­form thick­ness at the nanoscale. More­over, it has easy appli­ca­tions. For most of the sub­strates, it can be applied in less than five min­utes. They also fea­ture tun­able wet­ting prop­er­ties for every coat­ing and adhesive.

Application of Adhesion

Pro­mot­er Step‑1: Clean Clean all the parts prop­er­ly pri­or to the treat­ment for effec­tive application.

Step‑2: Primer Appli­ca­tion When it comes to primer, you have three ways of its appli­ca­tion that include dip, wipe and spray.

For a dip method, you can apply sur­face treat­ment via 30 sec­onds dip bath. If you want to use wipe process, use a clean cloth and sim­ply wipe the treat­ment across the surface.

For the spray method, spray the solu­tion on to the sub­strate by mak­ing use of dou­ble passes.
Step‑3: Apply your coat­ing on top of the adhe­sion promoter.

Other benefits of using Aculon’s Promoters include:

    • They elim­i­nate major adhe­sive failures
    • They are opti­cal­ly clear i.e., there is 100% trans­mis­sion for vis­i­ble light
    • Min­i­mal cap­i­tal requirements
    • Blend­able actives that can be used for increased sur­face adhesion.

Fur­ther­more, Acu­lon has also intro­duced an incred­i­ble solu­tion for per­ma­nent adhe­sion of bal­anc­ing leads. Their sur­face ener­gy enhancer wipes are the per­fect solu­tion for opti­miz­ing the wheel bal­ance process.

To know more about the Acu­lon adhe­sion pro­mot­ers and primers, vis­it You can also con­tact us if you have any more queries regard­ing sur­face, sten­cil, and repel­len­cy treatments.

About Chris Perabo

Chris is an energetic and enthusiastic engineer and entrepreneur. He is always interested in taking highly technical subjects and distilling these to their essence so that even the layman can understand. He loves to get into the technical details of an issue and then understand how it can be useful for specific customers and applications. Chris is currently the Director of Business Development at CAPLINQ.

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