silicone for junction coating resins

Advantages of LSC Series Liquid Silicone Junction Coating Resins

Sil­i­cones, which occu­py a hybrid posi­tion between inor­gan­ic and organ­ic com­pounds, are the most wide­ly used junc­tion coat­ing resins for elec­tron­ic and opti­cal devices. They are known to offer excel­lent heat resis­tance, weather­abil­i­ty, water repel­len­cy and dielec­tric prop­er­ties which ensures that the end prod­uct is robust and in prop­er work­ing condition.

CAPLINQ offers high puri­ty liq­uid sil­i­cone resins for appli­ca­tion in junc­tion coat­ings. Lin­qSil LSC 100 and Lin­qSil LSC 200 are two high­ly reli­able junc­tion coat­ing resins offered by CAPLINQ. Their typ­i­cal appli­ca­tions include con­for­mal coat­ings to pro­vide mechan­i­cal and elec­tri­cal insu­la­tion pri­or to plas­tic mold­ing. These liq­uid sil­i­cones are designed for pas­si­va­tion coat­ing of tran­sis­tor, diode and rec­ti­fi­er junc­tions. Read on to find out more about the bril­liant fea­tures of CAPLINQ’s liq­uid sil­i­cone junc­tion coat­ing resins.

Ultra-High Purity

CAPLINQ’s liq­uid sil­i­cone junc­tion coat­ings are high puri­ty, 100% solids, silox­ane sys­tems designed for semi­con­duc­tor junc­tion coat­ings. Lin­qSil LSC100 is a one-part sil­i­cone sys­tem with heat cur­ing prop­er­ties, where­as Lin­qSil LSC200 is a two-part sil­i­cone sys­tem. Both these liq­uid sil­i­cone junc­tion coat­ing resins go through a demand­ing pro­duc­tion pro­ce­dure and ful­fill rigid qual­i­ty con­trol require­ments to guar­an­tee ion­ic puri­ty lev­els of max­i­mum 1 ppm.

High Thermal Stability

Sil­i­cone is inher­ent­ly non-reac­tive, sta­ble, and resis­tant to extreme envi­ron­ments and tem­per­a­tures rang­ing from ‑55 °C to +300 °C while still main­tain­ing its use­ful prop­er­ties. CAPLINQ’s liq­uid sil­i­cone junc­tion coat­ing resins also boast of high ther­mal sta­bil­i­ty, which gives them the abil­i­ty to pro­tect elec­tri­cal devices from the extremes of heat shock, sol­der dip and oth­er situations.

High Electrical Stability

CAPLINQ’s LSC series resins are a com­bi­na­tion of basic organo-silox­ane bond­ing and also fea­ture extreme­ly low con­tent of ion­ic impu­ri­ties, which allows them to main­tain elec­tri­cal sta­bil­i­ty even at high and low tem­per­a­ture extremes. There­fore, elec­tron­ic and opti­cal devices using our liq­uid sil­i­cone junc­tion coat­ing resins are more reli­able and oper­ate safe­ly even in a wide vari­ety of con­di­tions and temperatures.

High Mechanical Stability

Lin­qSil LSC200 liq­uid sil­i­cone junc­tion coat­ing resins fea­ture high mechan­i­cal sta­bil­i­ty. These are espe­cial­ly designed to min­i­mize junc­tion sur­face leak­age and sta­bi­lize peak inverse volt­age, pre­vent elec­tri­cal break­down and pro­tect against envi­ron­men­tal fac­tors for high performance.

Excellent Adhesive Strength

Lin­qSil 100 and LiqSil 200 both pro­vide excel­lent adhe­sive strength that adds to the dura­bil­i­ty, safe­ty and reli­a­bil­i­ty of the elec­tron­ic devices.

Please vis­it to learn more about Lin­qSil LSC100 or Lin­qSil LSC200 liq­uid sil­i­cone junc­tion coat­ing resins or con­tact us direct­ly to find out more about all of CAPLINQ’s liq­uid encap­su­lants and junc­tion coat­ing resin applications.

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