Alternative to velostat drum liners

Alternative to Velostat Drum Liners Pricing LINQSTAT

Updat­ed Novem­ber 2016: Updat­ed the velo­stat drum lin­ers alter­na­tives with links and pric­ing information.

CAPLINQ offers a line of vol­ume-con­duc­tive plas­tics under its LINQSTAT brand name. One of these prod­ucts is a direct alter­na­tive to Velo­stat drum lin­ers LINQSTAT VCF-B-Series. This is a black, vol­ume-con­duc­tive drum lin­er that does not hold a sta­t­ic charge when ground­ed. This prod­uct is CAPLIN­Q’s equiv­a­lent to 3M Velo­stat 2014 (Part# 98–0798-0214–0). Note that nei­ther this site nor this prod­uct are relat­ed to 3M or Velo­stat. Here you will find only alter­na­tives to Velo­stat drum lin­ers and the their prices.

It is most often used in the ord­nance indus­try (an indus­try that deals with mil­i­tary equip­ment, specif­i­cal­ly weapons and ammu­ni­tions) as waste con­tain­er lin­ers. It’s easy to under­stand that ignitable ammu­ni­tion and sta­t­ic charges don’t mix well, so these LINQSTAT bags are great for these applications.

Grant­ed, we do sell some of the LINQSTAT to pre­vent alien abduc­tions, but that’s just us doing our bit to save the plan­et. Oth­er appli­ca­tions for the vol­ume-con­duc­tive film are for elec­tron­ics and to pre­vent elec­tro mag­net­ic radi­a­tion (EMR), thought these are main­ly for the tub­ing and sheet­ing variations.

This size of drum lin­er (30in. x 36in. x 4 mil thick) is a 30 gal­lon bag. CAPLINQ also has the fol­low­ing stan­dard sizes available:

LINQSTAT Alternatibe to Velostat Drum Liners Dimensions & Volume

Click here to see our cur­rent stock of con­duc­tive plas­tic drum lin­ers.
LINQSTAT VCF-41824B 18″ x 24″ x 4mil (thick) 5 gallon
LINQSTAT VCF-42436B 24″ x 36″ x 4mil (thick) 20 gallon
LINQSTAT VCF-43036B 30″ x 36″ x 4mil (thick) 30 gallon
Oth­er sizes and thick­ness­es may be avail­able for cus­tom requests.

Of course, no sub­ject is com­plete with talk­ing about pric­ing. CAPLINQ gen­er­al­ly sells to larg­er OEM cus­tomers, so small vol­ume pric­ing is less com­pet­i­tive, but once we reach the 500 bag vol­umes, we start to get com­pet­i­tive quick­ly. And don’t for­get of course that we can sup­ply from both North Amer­i­ca (Ottawa, Cana­da) and Europe (Ams­ter­dam, Nether­lands), so you Euro­pean cus­tomers can smile.

CAPLINQ sells these bags of LINQSTAT VCF-41824B / Black con­duc­tive bag 18” x 24” x 4 mil for:
Order Quan­ti­ty: 1- 4 box­es of 100 bags – Price USD$252.70/box
Order Quan­ti­ty: 5 — 9 box­es of 100 bags – Price USD$214.13/box
Order Quan­ti­ty: 10 — 24 box­es of 100 bags – Price USD$180.88/box
Order Quan­ti­ty: 25+ box­es of 100 bags — Price USD$179.55/box

Of course, if you DON’T LIKE THESE PRICES, CAPLINQ also has a pol­i­cy that we will enter­tain what you are will­ing to pay. Sim­ply, TELL US what price you are will­ing to pay, and CAPLINQ will let you know with­in 24 hours if we can accept your price.

CAPLINQ is a spe­cial­ty plas­tics sup­pli­er offer­ing a range of con­duc­tive mate­ri­als includ­ing our broad range of elec­tri­cal­ly con­duc­tive plas­tics and anti­sta­t­ic tapes and films. If you have any ques­tions, please don’t hes­i­tate to con­tact us to find out how we can help you with alter­na­tives to Velo­stat drum liners.

About Chris Perabo

Chris is an energetic and enthusiastic engineer and entrepreneur. He is always interested in taking highly technical subjects and distilling these to their essence so that even the layman can understand. He loves to get into the technical details of an issue and then understand how it can be useful for specific customers and applications. Chris is currently the Director of Business Development at CAPLINQ.

One thought on “Alternative to Velostat Drum Liners Pricing LINQSTAT

  1. Please con­tact me about anti sta­t­ic film lam­i­na­tion to Kraft liner.

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