CAPLINQ’S European Warehouse Service for Import to Italy

Typ­i­cal­ly, import pro­ce­dures are sub­ject to sev­er­al reg­u­la­tions and tax­es. Ital­ian gov­ern­ment levies import duty between 0% to 17% depend­ing on the item. Plus, a stan­dard Val­ue Added Tax of 22% on the val­ue of item, ship­ping cost and insurance.

If you are dis­trib­ut­ing the goods straight to the cus­tomer, you’ll have to pay tax­es on them straight­away, while a Euro­pean ware­house reduces the need of cap­i­tal since you will be pay­ing cus­tom duties only when necessary.

Ital­ian importers can ben­e­fit from CAPLINQ’s Euro­pean ware­house ser­vice. Our autho­rized bond­ed ware­house and order ful­fil­ment ser­vices can save you time, mon­ey and efforts. Read on to know how.

Eliminate transport breaks

Stor­ing your goods with CAPLINQ — in our Euro­pean ware­house — will mean that there will only be one sin­gle inter­locu­tor, which will elim­i­nate the require­ments of sev­er­al trans­port breaks.

We will be the only agent that will receive, han­dle and dis­trib­ute your goods as and when required. Also, you can also ensure time­ly sup­ply to your cus­tomers by enhanc­ing coor­di­na­tion. Our Euro­pean ware­house ser­vice ensures a much-orga­nized flow of goods in Italy.

Financial advantages

Our Euro­pean ware­house ser­vice can save you mon­ey up to and over 30% of the pur­chase val­ue. Stor­ing goods in a bond­ed ware­house will enable you to delay pay­ments for cus­toms. It will also reduce the tran­sit dec­la­ra­tion fee, which is paid when the goods are trans­port­ed with­out being cleared. This will opti­mize your cap­i­tal and improve your company’s cash flow as well.

Local Stock

Our Order Ful­fil­ment and Euro­pean ware­house ser­vice can help you keep a local stock of goods, which will be read­i­ly avail­able as and when required. With a stock help in Europe, you can offer your Euro­pean cus­tomers promt and has­sle free delivery.

Hav­ing the flex­i­bil­i­ty to deliv­er goods to your cus­tomers imme­di­ate­ly on request means local sup­pli­ers will no longer have a com­pete­tive edge over for­eign sup­pli­ers when it comes to quick delivery.

With all the above men­tioned-advan­tages grow­ing your busi­ness in Italy as well as oth­er Euro­pean coun­tries will be much eas­i­er and stress-free. CAPLINQ’s Euro­pean ware­house ser­vice pro­vides for­eign sup­pli­ers in Italy a lev­el play­ing field with their local competitors.

Still have queries? Vis­it us at and learn all about our Order Ful­fil­ment and Euro­pean Ware­house ser­vice. You can also con­tact us direct­ly if you have any oth­er ques­tions about how CAPLINQ can help you to expand your busi­ness in the Euro­pean Union.

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