EMC Pellet Aspect Ratio

Cus­tomers often ask what is the max­i­mum aspect ratio (Pel­let Height or Length / Pel­let Diam­e­ter) of epoxy mold­ing com­pound (EMC). While this varies from man­u­fac­tur­er to man­u­fac­tur­er, the rea­son for the max­i­mum aspect ratio is to pre­vent pel­lets from crack­ing or dam­ag­ing dur­ing transportation.

For an 18mm Diam­e­ter Pel­let the Max­i­mum Aspect Ratio is: 1.63

This means that the Max­i­mum Pel­let Height for an 18mm diam­e­ter pel­let is 29.4mm. Of course, short­er pel­lets are ok, but 29.4mm is the max­i­mum height.

Please vis­it us at www.caplinq.com to learn more about our whole range of mold­ing com­pounds includ­ing our semi­con­duc­tor epoxy mold com­pounds, indus­tri­al mold com­pounds, opto­elec­tron­ic clear epoxy mold com­pounds. If you have any oth­er ques­tions about epoxy mold­ing com­pound pel­let sizes, please feel free to leave a com­ment below or don’t hes­i­tate to con­tact us.

About Chris Perabo

Chris is an energetic and enthusiastic engineer and entrepreneur. He is always interested in taking highly technical subjects and distilling these to their essence so that even the layman can understand. He loves to get into the technical details of an issue and then understand how it can be useful for specific customers and applications. Chris is currently the Director of Business Development at CAPLINQ.

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