Food-Grade Tapioca (Cassava, Manioc) Starch Supplier

CAPLINQ offers Native Tapioca (Cassava, Manioc) Starch from Africa

CAPLINQ is proud to announce its native tapi­o­ca starch part­ner­ship with ANK Gabon. Native Cassava Tapioca Starch RootThis part­ner­ship allows Native Tapi­o­ca Starch, pro­duced in cas­sa­va starch fields of Gabon, Africa to be dis­trib­uted world­wide by ocean freight from the port in Libre­ville, Gabon Africa. His­tor­i­cal­ly, tapi­o­ca starch has been sourced from coun­tries such as Viet­nam and Thai­land and shipped by sea to the coun­try where it will be used. Though this makes sense for coun­tries in South-East Asia, this sim­ply adds costs and tran­sit time to an oth­er­wise low-priced commodity.

Africa, and specif­i­cal­ly Gabon has a cli­mate that is ide­al­ly suit­ed for grow­ing and pro­duc­ing tapi­o­ca starch, where the cas­sa­va starch roots grow very quick­ly with lit­tle irri­ga­tion. Large vol­ume tapi­o­ca starch pro­duc­tion how­ev­er was near­ly impos­si­ble how­ev­er until recent­ly as Gabon lacked the infra­struc­ture, machin­ery and know-how to meet the spec­i­fi­ca­tions the indus­try both requires and expects. Since 2008, in coop­er­a­tion and with the help of the Gabon Pres­i­dent and gov­ern­ment, ANK Gabon has steadi­ly been build­ing an ultra-mod­ern tapi­o­ca starch pro­duc­tion fac­to­ry to pro­duce food-grade qual­i­ty native tapi­o­ca starch and has plans to move into starch-deriv­a­tive prod­ucts with­in a few years.

Small scale tapi­o­ca starch pro­duc­tion has been run­ning since Jan­u­ary 2010, and the first cas­sa­va starch pro­duc­tion vol­umes are sched­uled to be ready by March 2010. Giv­en the equip­ment and process­es, the pro­duc­tion capac­i­ties in Gabon, Africa should ramp up to full capac­i­ty of 2,500 tonnes/month of tapi­o­ca starch by the end of April 2010 — for an annu­al tapi­o­ca starch pro­duc­tion of 30,000 met­ric tonnes per year.

What is Tapi­o­ca (Cas­sa­va) Starch?

The name Tapi­o­ca is the com­mon name for any of sev­er­al relat­ed plants native to trop­i­cal regions in the Amer­i­c­as, Africa and Asia. Tapi­o­ca Starch is the name used in Thai­land and Viet­nam, Cas­sa­va Starch is the West Indi­an name; Man­ioc Starch (or Man­dioc) is the Brazil­ian name; and Yuc­ca Starch (or Juca) is used in oth­er parts of South Amer­i­ca. Through­out the text below, both tapi­o­ca starch and cas­sa­va starch are used as these terms can be used inter­change­ably. The tapi­o­ca plant grows in a bushy form, up to 2.4 meters (8 ft) tall, with green­ish-yel­low flow­ers and the roots are up to 8 cm (3 in) thick and 91 cm (36 in) long. The tapi­o­ca roots con­tain from 20% — 32% starch in plants as young as ½ to 1½ years old.

Native Cassava Plant for Starch

Rea­sons Why Tapi­o­ca (Cas­sa­va) is a Pre­ferred Starch

  1. Fla­vor Pro­file Impor­tant for the food indus­try, light fla­vors such as vanil­la, peach and lemon, are not masked when using tapi­o­ca starch. This is because tapi­o­ca starch con­tains no impu­ri­ties, while cere­al based starch­es con­tain phos­pho­lipids which give it an after taste.
  2. Appear­ance Also for the food indus­try, pastes, films and gels madse with tapi­o­ca starch are clear­er than when oth­er starch­es are used and fruit fill­ings look more appetizing.
  3. Non-Aller­getic For the baby food indus­try, tapi­o­ca starch is gluten-free and thus eas­i­er to digest — an impor­tant con­sid­er­a­tion, and a rea­son for its wide­spread use in the man­u­fac­ture of baby foods.
  4. Excel­lent Vis­cos­i­ty Tapi­o­ca starch exhibits a low­er vis­cos­i­ty (more liq­uid) when it’s warmed. This facil­i­tates processing.

In Which Indus­tries is Tapi­o­ca Starch Used?

  1. Food-Grade Tapi­o­ca Starch is used in the Food and Can­dy Industries
  2. Glue and Adhe­sive Indus­tries used mod­i­fied starch and starch derivatives
  3. Pet Food Indus­tries use cas­sa­va starch as fillers
  4. Fish Feed Industry
  5. Paper and Paper Cone industries
  6. Ice Cream and Ice Cream Cone Manufacturers
  7. Alu­mini­um and Cast Iron Foundries use starch as a sand binder to make molds
  8. Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal Indus­tries use starch and deriv­a­tives to bind tablets and as a dis­per­sion agent
  9. Cos­met­ics, Deter­gents and Soap Industries
  10. Edi­ble Masala Pow­der manufacturers
  11. Cas­sa­va Starch Deriv­a­tives industries
  12. Dry Bat­tery Cell indus­tries use Tapi­o­ca Starch as filler
  13. Rub­ber and Foam industries
  14. Tex­tile Indus­tries use Starch
  15. Ply­wood
  16. Fer­men­ta­tion Indus­try (enzymes, beer)

Click for more infor­ma­tion regard­ing Native Tapi­o­ca (Cas­sa­va) Starch, or please con­tact us for more details.

About Chris Perabo

Chris is an energetic and enthusiastic engineer and entrepreneur. He is always interested in taking highly technical subjects and distilling these to their essence so that even the layman can understand. He loves to get into the technical details of an issue and then understand how it can be useful for specific customers and applications. Chris is currently the Director of Business Development at CAPLINQ.

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