CAPLINQ Technical representation services

Be Global and Act Local With CAPLINQ Technical Representation Service

The present dig­i­tal age offers an ocean of end­less pos­si­bil­i­ties. The advance­ment in tech­nol­o­gy has dras­ti­cal­ly changed the busi­ness land­scape by enabling each and every busi­ness own­er to offer ser­vices glob­al­ly via the web.

Expand­ing the bound­aries of your busi­ness glob­al­ly, not only increas­es your cus­tomer base expo­nen­tial­ly but also enables you to estab­lish a brand name that can be rec­og­nized world­wide. If you too are look­ing to expand your busi­ness activ­i­ties out­side of your present ter­ri­to­ry, CAPLINQ’s tech­ni­cal rep­re­sen­ta­tion ser­vice will make the process effort­less for you.

Our ser­vices enable com­pa­nies to be glob­al and act local. Whether you want a ded­i­cat­ed con­tact per­son in Europe or just want a pro­fes­sion­al to man­age your resources in the EU, we can cus­tomize our tech­ni­cal rep­re­sen­ta­tion ser­vices as per your needs. Read on to dis­cov­er the ben­e­fits of our services.

Local presence

When it comes to offer­ing world-class cus­tomer ser­vice, noth­ing com­pares to a hav­ing a local pres­ence so that the cus­tomers can be assist­ed as and when required. As a Euro­pean com­pa­ny hav­ing a thor­ough knowl­edge of Euro­pean lan­guages and cus­toms, which enables us to bet­ter, under­stand the needs and require­ments of your Euro­pean cus­tomers and serve them beyond their expectations.

Quality Technical Support

Strength­en your rela­tion­ship with your EU cus­tomers by offer­ing on-site tech­ni­cal rep­re­sen­ta­tion. CAPLINQ’s com­pe­tent tech­ni­cal rep­re­sen­ta­tion ser­vice pro­vides a voice at the point of occur­rence on your behalf. We enable you to ser­vice your cus­tomers in their own time zone and at their premis­es, which allows us to bet­ter under­stand and ful­fill their needs and expectations.

Team of Qualified technical representative and engineers

CAPLINQ boasts of a diverse and skilled team of engi­neers and tech­ni­cal ser­vice representatives.

Our team has the nec­es­sary knowl­edge and exper­tise for pro­vid­ing com­plete assis­tance to your clients when it comes to deliv­er­ing a prop­er under­stand­ing of the prod­uct. There­fore, we ensure that your busi­ness is prop­er­ly rep­re­sent­ed and client’s trust is enhanced in your products.

Prompt and Effective Customer Service

CAPLINQ’s Euro­pean office is with­in the dri­ving dis­tance of three major coun­tries, France, Ger­many, and Benelux. Fur­ther­more, we can reach most of the Euro­pean cus­tomers with­in 3 hours via flight. There­fore, our tech­ni­cal rep­re­sen­ta­tion ser­vices will enable you to ensure that your clients are pro­vid­ed the nec­es­sary per­son­al assis­tance prompt­ly when­ev­er required.

For more infor­ma­tion regard­ing our tech­ni­cal rep­re­sen­ta­tive ser­vices, please vis­it You can also con­tact us direct­ly for queries and con­cerns relat­ed to tech­ni­cal representation.

About Chris Perabo

Chris is an energetic and enthusiastic engineer and entrepreneur. He is always interested in taking highly technical subjects and distilling these to their essence so that even the layman can understand. He loves to get into the technical details of an issue and then understand how it can be useful for specific customers and applications. Chris is currently the Director of Business Development at CAPLINQ.

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