Customer Service Order Fulfillment Representative CAPLINQ

Customer Service | Order Fulfillment Representative ROCKSTAR

  • Full Time
  • Any­where

THE NO-NONSENSE SUMMARY: This posi­tion is intend­ed for seri­ous, hard-work­ing pro­fes­sion­als who are look­ing to be part of a multi­na­tion­al growth orga­ni­za­tion. Report­ing to the Cus­tomer Ser­vice Man­ag­er, you will be the first point of con­tact for cus­tomers. Your respon­si­bil­i­ties will include pro­cess­ing and plan­ning orders, pro­vid­ing ship­ping rates, han­dling com­plaints, arrang­ing deliv­er­ies, and invoic­ing Order Ful­fill­ment ser­vices, from the moment of receiv­ing the order until the moment of invoicing.


  • Time­ly and effi­cient Order Ful­fill­ment order han­dling & cus­tomer management
  • Inde­pen­dent­ly sup­port cus­tomers by pro­vid­ing up-to-date, and prof­itable rates for avail­able ship­ping options
  • Pre­pare and process month­ly and ad-hoc Order Ful­fill­ment ser­vice invoic­es with atten­tion to detail

CANDIDATE COMPETENCIES | Can­di­date is able to:

  • Inde­pen­dent­ly and proac­tive­ly deter­mine and keep track of stock lev­els and order schedules.
  • Proac­tive­ly, effi­cient­ly & effec­tive­ly plan & keep track of Order Ful­fill­ment ship­ments, inquiries, and stock levels.
  • Cre­ate and fol­low writ­ten work instruc­tions and work repeat­ed­ly with check­lists to com­plete reg­u­lar tasks.
  • Act as com­pe­tent back­up for all NL Cus­tomer Ser­vice Representatives.
  • Proac­tive­ly, effi­cient­ly & effec­tive­ly com­mu­ni­cate in Eng­lish with all stakeholders.


Yes, you read that right – we’re look­ing for a ROCKSTAR. The title may sound a lit­tle wacky, but it’s real­ly quite true. We’re look­ing for that spe­cial some­one that has not one, but two unique skills – amaz­ing cus­tomer ser­vice skills plus the atten­tion-to-detail-get-it done mentality.

As a fast-grow­ing multi­na­tion­al, I’m not ashamed to admit we’re start­ing to come apart at the seams. Our prod­ucts and ser­vices have found a sweet spot in the mar­ket, and now we’re strug­gling to main­tain the high lev­el of cus­tomer ser­vice that we want to give to our cus­tomers. At the same time, the process­es that served us well for years are get­ting strained and we need to bring in fresh blood with fresh ideas to help us get them to the next level.

Do you describe your­self as a proac­tive, super-orga­nized, enthu­si­as­tic, cus­tomer-ori­ent­ed rock­star that loves bring­ing your atten­tion to detail to the process at hand? Then I encour­age you to read on. If on the oth­er hand, you’re already exhaust­ed read­ing this, I rec­om­mend you take a nap and check out anoth­er job post.

So, what will you be doing?
The posi­tion and respon­si­bil­i­ty will grow along with you. As a small, but grow­ing com­pa­ny, the role will be excit­ing for you if you like work­ing in a small team and hav­ing a lot of free­dom to define your roles and respon­si­bil­i­ties. No two days will like­ly be the same.

Broad­ly speak­ing, we cur­rent­ly have four major areas that have been iden­ti­fied by man­age­ment as pri­or­i­ties for the com­ing fis­cal year.

1. Cus­tomer Ser­vice (about 30% of your time)

In our Order Ful­fill­ment busi­ness, we have two dif­fer­ent kinds of cus­tomers. We have cus­tomers that make use of the Order Ful­fill­ment ser­vices we offer but also have end cus­tomers that buy the prod­ucts from our Order Ful­fill­ment cus­tomers. We get phone calls and emails and you will often be the first point of con­tact for both kinds of customers.

Exam­ples of activities:

  • Answer­ing the phone and reply­ing to cus­tomer inquiries
  • Tak­ing own­er­ship of Order Ful­fill­ment email and answer­ing inquiries
  • Han­dling cus­tomer com­plaints — mak­ing them feel “loved”

2. Order Ful­fill­ment Order Pro­cess­ing (about 50% of your time)

We are grow­ing our Order Ful­fill­ment cus­tomer base so this part of your respon­si­bil­i­ties can also grow and change in the next year. Your job will be to process the incom­ing orders and assure that the ware­house has accu­rate infor­ma­tion to dis­patch the order in a time­ly man­ner and are han­dled 100% error-free. 

Exam­ples of activities:

  • Pro­cess­ing orders through CAPLINQ back­end system
  • Send­ing Order Confirmations
  • Com­mu­ni­cat­ing out­bound orders with the Warehouse
  • Main­tain­ing cor­rect inven­to­ry lev­els in the CAPLINQ System
  • Plan­ning best deliv­ery dates
  • Track­ing Orders and Ship­ments and inform­ing cus­tomers about any delays
  • Mak­ing sure that all the infor­ma­tion in the CAPLINQ sys­tem is cor­rect and up to date

3. Pro­vid­ing up-to-date ship­ping rates (about 10% of the time)

We can­not suc­ceed with­out prof­itable inbound and out­bound ship­ping ser­vices. Based on cus­tomer inquiries your job will be to check up-to-date ship­ping rates and pro­vide cus­tomers with cor­rect and prof­itable prices.

Exam­ples of activities:

  • Reply­ing to cus­tomer inquiries for ship­ping rates in a time­ly manner
  • Com­mu­ni­cate with forwarders
  • Updat­ing ship­ping rates in the CAPLINQ System

4. Admin­is­ter and invoice Order Ful­fill­ment ser­vices (about 10% of the time)

As being respon­si­ble for pro­vid­ing cor­rect rates and ship­ping charges, as well as pro­cess­ing the orders for our Order Ful­fill­ment ser­vices we also need you to take own­er­ship of invoic­ing these ser­vices with atten­tion to detail.

Exam­ples of activities:

  • Pre­pare month­ly Order Ful­fill­ment ser­vice invoic­es in Excel and Caplinq system
  • Mon­i­tor and record pro­vid­ed ser­vices to be invoiced
  • Com­mu­ni­cate with cus­tomers and for­warders in case of discrepancies
  • File ship­ping doc­u­ments in an orga­nized way


What mind­set do you require?
Skills can be learned. Mind­sets, though they can be learned too, are more often a part of who you are. We val­ue the mind­set at least if not more than either expe­ri­ence or hard skills.

  1. Curios­i­ty – We want a per­son who is curi­ous, and rarely sat­is­fied with the first answer. If you find some­thing that doesn’t agree with what you already think, then we want some­one who wants to know why. 
  2. Atten­tion to Detail – In this posi­tion it is imper­a­tive to min­i­mize mis­takes by pay­ing atten­tion to detail. Hint! Don’t for­get to read the last paragraph 😉
  3. Orga­nized — We want a per­son who is super-orga­nized, man­ages their time well, and has good obser­va­tion skills.
  4. Data-dri­ven – Our cul­ture encour­ages and rewards deci­sions that are made with data as opposed to senior­i­ty, intu­ition or per­son­al experience.
  5. Con­tin­u­ous Improve­ment – Peo­ple and process­es can always get bet­ter. We’re look­ing for some­one who ques­tions every process to see if there’s no room for improvement.
  6. Courage – Boss­es make mis­takes and col­leagues aren’t always fair. That’s life. We’re look­ing for some­one who may be afraid to con­front these issues, but does it anyways.

What skills do you NOT need?
Before we list the skills you do need, it is impor­tant that you know what we skills or expe­ri­ence we do NOT require:

  • Prod­uct knowl­edge: You do not need to know any­thing about any of the prod­ucts we sell, nor any of the ser­vices we pro­vide. All will be taught on the job.
  • Logis­tics expe­ri­ence: You do not need to know any­thing about logis­tics, ware­hous­ing or trans­port. Again, you will learn it all on the job.
  • Lots of work expe­ri­ence: This is meant to be an entry-lev­el posi­tion where you will learn “knowl­edge” on the job. What we can’t teach – and val­ue enor­mous­ly is some­one that is orga­nized, ana­lyt­i­cal, curi­ous, ded­i­cat­ed, and shows a high lev­el of “stick-to-it-ness”. There’s always a bet­ter way, how do we get to it?
  • Dutch: Hon­est­ly, we speak Dutch in the office, but to the out­side world, it’s all English.

What skills do you require?

We don’t even have any hard skills that are required. The ide­al can­di­date would be one who:

  • Asks ques­tions, then asks more ques­tions, then asks even more questions
  • Is very orga­nized, and likes to have a place for every­thing and every­thing in its place
  • Is very com­put­er lit­er­ate and very famil­iar with Google Workspace
  • Is a Google pow­er-user, for­ev­er ask­ing Google ques­tions for answers he/she doesn’t know 
  • Very good spo­ken and writ­ten Eng­lish (at least 7/10)
  • Is opti­mistic, ener­getic and loves a good challenge
  • Pays atten­tion to detail. The very last para­graph of this job vacan­cy has very impor­tant infor­ma­tion. Be sure you read it twice before applying.

Skills not required, but that get bonus points (any of them count):

The job we have in mind may not require pri­or skills, but they sure come in handy around here.

  • Cus­tomer Ser­vice Expe­ri­ence: If you already know how to effec­tive­ly talk to cus­tomers, we can focus on oth­er aspects of training.
  • Fast Typ­ing Skills: There is a lot of com­put­er typ­ing required, so if you can type quick­ly it would real­ly make the job a lot easier.

There is no need to send your CV unless it looks awe­some and you want to impress us with how it looks. Oth­er­wise, we will use your LinkedIn pro­file (bet­ter make sure it is complete!). 

Instead, can­di­dates wish­ing to apply are request­ed to send an email to that includes:

  • A link to your LinkedIn pro­file (not a CV)
  • A one-page, per­son­al cov­er letter

Let me repeat that last part in a dif­fer­ent way… We are look­ing for peo­ple who stand out from the crowd with a well-writ­ten, enthu­si­as­tic one-page let­ter telling us why this posi­tion speaks to you and what you could bring to the team. 

If all you do is send a CV (we told you not to), and no cov­er let­ter your appli­ca­tion will be dis­card­ed with­out even being read.

To apply for this job email your details to

About Chris Perabo

Chris is an energetic and enthusiastic engineer and entrepreneur. He is always interested in taking highly technical subjects and distilling these to their essence so that even the layman can understand. He loves to get into the technical details of an issue and then understand how it can be useful for specific customers and applications. Chris is currently the Director of Business Development at CAPLINQ.