Transfer mold vs compression mold melamine cleaner

Any­one using epoxy mold­ing com­pounds under­stands how dirty these molds get over time. Epoxy residues, resin bleed and sol­der flux residues all con­tribute to the residues that build up over time and that need to be cleaned off reg­u­lar­ly. Both trans­fer mold melamine clean­ers and com­pres­sion mold melamine clean­ers can be used to clean these molds. This arti­cle explains the sim­i­lar­i­ties and dif­fer­ences of these process­es and should help you decide which one is right for you.

Similarities between transfer and compression melamine cleaners

Before we get into the dif­fer­ences between the two process­es, let’s point out what each melamine clean­er has in com­mon. To start, both are melamine-based clean­ing prod­ucts, which is dif­fer­ent that rub­ber clean­ing sheets. This means that there is very lit­tle dif­fer­ence in price between the two processes.

Sec­ond­ly, the effec­tive­ness of the melamine clean­er will be sim­i­lar. This means that you can expect to remove sim­i­lar types and quan­ti­ties of residues with both types of cleaners.

Difference between transfer and compression mold melamine cleaners

Once we under­stand the sim­i­lar­i­ties between the two prod­ucts, we can start to look at their dif­fer­ences. When it comes right down to it, the dif­fer­ence between the two comes down to how you will use the clean­er. These dif­fer­ences are:
1. Time required to clean
2. Areas of the mold to be cleaned
3. Mold­ing equip­ment to be cleaned

How much time does it take to clean an epoxy mold using melamine cleaner?

Com­pres­sion mold melamine clean­er is sup­plied in pel­lets, or tablets that are approx­i­mate­ly 2 inch­es by 2 inch­es (5 x 5 cm). These pel­lets need to be bro­ken and put into the mold by hand over the areas of the mold that need to get cleaned. Depend­ing on the size of the mold, this process can take 5–10 min­utes. Each of these clean­ing cycles then clos­es the mold over the melamine and stays clamped for 3–10minutes. Since a clean­ing cycle often requires 5–8 shots of melamine, a typ­i­cal clean­ing cycle with com­pres­sion melamine can take more than an hour to complete.

Trans­fer mold melamine used pel­lets that are made to fit the trans­fer mold plungers. Since these pel­lets fit the equip­ment already, it doesn’t take more than a few sec­onds to throw the melamine into the plunger. The cycle time of the mold is still the same as with com­pres­sion-grade melamine, about 3–10 min­utes. This means that for the same num­ber of shots, the clean­ing cycle will take about 30 minutes.

The clean­ing process is basi­cal­ly split between apply­ing the melamine clean­er and pro­cess­ing it. Since the time to apply the com­pres­sion mold melamine is about twice the time of the trans­fer mold, and the pro­cess­ing time is the same, the trans­fer mold melamine clean­ing cycle takes about half as long.

What areas of the mold does the melamine cleaner clean?

Com­pres­sion mold melamine clean­er does not go through the plunger, and instead goes direct­ly over top of the mold. As such, it does not clean the plunger. It does how­ev­er, clean the mold cav­i­ties and the run­ners and as well cleans the vents, and the top and bot­tom sur­faces of the mold itself.

Trans­fer mold melamine clean­er on the oth­er hand goes through the same plunger as the epoxy mold com­pound. There­fore, it cleans the plunger as well as the mold run­ners and the mold cav­i­ties. Since it is not com­pres­sion mold­ed how­ev­er, it does not clean the top and bot­tom sur­faces of the epoxy mold itself.

Melamine cleaner can clean what kind of equipment?

Trans­fer-mold melamine clean­er is suit­able only for trans­fer mold equip­ment. Com­pres­sion-grade melamine mold clean­er is also suit­able for trans­fer-mold equip­ment, but can also be used on com­pres­sion mold equipment.

Now that we have looked at both trans­fer-grade and com­pres­sion-grade melamine clean­ers, what is the best clean­er for your process? If you only have com­pres­sion mold equip­ment, it doesn’t make any sense to use any­thing oth­er than com­pres­sion-grade melamine clean­er. If you are using trans­fer-mold equip­ment, you might want to exper­i­ment with both types and maybe ulti­mate­ly choose a com­bi­na­tion of both to prop­er­ly clean your molds.

Please vis­it us at to learn more about our whole range of epoxy mold clean­ers or to learn more about trans­fer mold melamine or rub­ber clean­ing sheets for epoxy molds. If you have any oth­er ques­tions about melamine clean­ing sheets vs rub­ber clean­ing sheets, please don’t hes­i­tate to con­tact us.

About Chris Perabo

Chris is an energetic and enthusiastic engineer and entrepreneur. He is always interested in taking highly technical subjects and distilling these to their essence so that even the layman can understand. He loves to get into the technical details of an issue and then understand how it can be useful for specific customers and applications. Chris is currently the Director of Business Development at CAPLINQ.

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