Kim van Leeuwen Sales Internship CAPLINQ Europe Heemskerk

My sales internship at Caplinq | Kim van Leeuwen

My name is Kim van Leeuwen and I am a sales intern at Caplinq Europe. I am study­ing Junior account man­age­ment and Inter­na­tion­al Voca­tion­al Stud­ies (IVS) at Nova Col­lege. In this blog, I am going to write about my expe­ri­ences and sales intern­ship tasks at Caplinq Europe BV.

I start­ed my sales intern­ship on the 3rd of Sep­tem­ber. My first few weeks were used to get to know Caplinq. In those weeks my sales intern­ship tasks were most­ly the onboard­ing pro­gram and research of Acu­lon Nanoproof. The research I did on Acu­lon Nanoproof was as prepa­ra­tion for the Pro­mo­tion­al email I wrote a fol­low up on the Acu­lon Nanoproof webi­nar. I had some strug­gles with writ­ing the pro­mo­tion­al email because I nev­er did that before and I have dyslex­ia that does­n’t make the sit­u­a­tion much eas­i­er. This goes for writ­ing this blog as well. I think this is attempt num­ber 12 of writ­ing a blog. But for this sales intern posi­tion, I did more than just writ­ing an email and blog, such as updat­ing the CRM data­base from Aculon.

The Acu­lon data­base of Caplinq was­n’t up to date so it became one of my sales intern­ship tasks. But all the infor­ma­tion to make it up to date scat­tered around var­i­ous com­pa­ny files and doc­u­ments. So I start­ed by find­ing all the infor­ma­tion there was from the Acu­lon data­base and put it all in the CRM. After all the infor­ma­tion was in the data­base, I was assigned to be the Inside Sales Admin­is­tra­tor for Acu­lon. That means that I have to make sure the Data­base for Acu­lon stays up to date. 

Anoth­er sales intern­ship task I took on was writ­ing the com­plaint han­del­ing pro­ce­dure. Caplinq did­n’t have a com­plaint han­del­ing pro­ce­dure yet. So I need­ed to begin from the start. I did research by look­ing at com­plaint han­del­ing pro­ce­dures from oth­er com­pa­nies. I orga­nized a meet­ing to show my research and to ask what Caplinq was look­ing for in their com­plaint han­del­ing pro­ce­dure. With that infor­ma­tion, I start­ed design­ing a com­plaint han­del­ing pro­ce­dure flow chart. When I pre­sent­ed the flow chart I fig­ured out that a lot of change was need­ed. I changed the flow chart about 7 times before it was right. When I fin­ished the flow chart I start­ed writ­ing the pro­ce­dure itself. This took a short­er amount of time then I expect­ed. It took me about one and a half month to cre­ate the whole procedure. 

If some­one would ask me if I would rec­om­mend Caplinq as a sales intern­ship, I would say, “Yes,” because Caplinq gives you a lot of oppor­tu­ni­ties to learn and expe­ri­ence new things dur­ing your sales intern­ship. In my case those were a few of my sales intern­ship tasks is writ­ing a blog, pro­mo­tion­al email and com­plaint han­dling pro­ce­dure. If that is what you are look­ing for, then Caplinq is the right place for you.

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