Online chemical portal: serving your European customers from abroad

Sell­ing chem­i­cals prod­ucts or hav­ing an Online chem­i­cal por­tal can be dif­fi­cult and a big chal­lenge for for­eign companies.

So, if you are con­sid­er­ing to sell you prod­ucts in Europe, you prob­a­bly already asked your­self this questions:

  • How can I ser­vice my cus­tomer direct­ly from my over­seas factory?
  • What is the most effec­tive and afford­able way to show­case my chem­i­cals prod­ucts online?
  • How do I show­case my prod­ucts to a glob­al audi­ence of engi­neers in the chem­i­cal industry?
  • Am I pre­pared for today’s dig­i­tal world?
  • What alter­na­tive is there to what tra­di­tion­al mar­ket­ing agen­cies offer?
  • Where can I find experts in han­dling with spe­cial Chem­i­cals, stor­age, infra­struc­ture, in-house capa­bil­i­ties, and legal requirements?

Thus, in this arti­cle, we will give you all the answers you are look­ing for. So you can start to sell your prod­ucts online for the Euro­pean market!

Online Chemical portal Europe

CAPLINQ Online chemical portal service: service your European customers from home

There­fore, the new CAPLINQ Online Chem­i­cals Por­tal ser­vice it’s an online plat­form to show­case your prod­ucts in Europe.

As a part of our Tech­ni­cal Mar­ket­ing and Order Ful­fill­ment ser­vices, we can make your online pres­ence pos­si­ble in Europe with­out the has­sle of hav­ing a Euro­pean entity.

This online por­tal will make pos­si­ble for Euro­pean clients to find your prod­ucts online in a total­ly unique chem­i­cals marketplace.

Also, CAPLINQ Online chem­i­cal por­tal has also focused on SEO, which will give your com­pa­ny find­abil­i­ty on google and increase your sales!

Fur­ther­more, our online chem­i­cals por­tal allows for­eign man­u­fac­tur­ers to com­pete with multi­na­tion­als in Europe.

And, this not only gives more ben­e­fits for your com­pa­ny than oth­er online ser­vices but also increase your sales as a result of our tech­ni­cal mar­ket­ing ser­vice.

Please vis­it us at to learn more about our Online Chem­i­cal Por­tal ser­vice and Tech­ni­cal Mar­ket­ing Ser­vices. If you have any oth­er ques­tions about Online Chem­i­cal Por­tal and how CAPLINQ can help you to bring your busi­ness to the Euro­pean Union, please don’t hes­i­tate to con­tact us.

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