one-part & two part printable hybrid thermal gels for themal interface materials

Printable thermal interface gels solve automotive reliability challenge

Cus­tomers look­ing for high-reli­a­bil­i­ty one- and two-com­po­nent ther­mal inter­face gels that can be print­ed final­ly have a solu­tion they can count on.

Cus­tomers are often faced with the chal­lenge of using either a ther­mal inter­face mate­r­i­al that can be print­ed, or one that can endure auto­mo­tive reli­a­bil­i­ty which includes rig­or­ous vibra­tion tests.

Hon­ey­well recent­ly launched two, new hybrid ther­mal hybrid prod­ucts that meet the chal­lenge of being both print­able and high reli­a­bil­i­ty. The first is a two-com­po­nent ther­mal hybrid gel HLT3000, the oth­er is one-com­po­nent pre-cured HT4500 ther­mal hybrid gel.

Both of these prod­ucts have low­er vis­cos­i­ty and enable thin­ner bond­lines com­pared with their reg­u­lar hybrid ther­mal gels coun­ter­parts. This means that these hybrid gels can be used for print­ing process as well as only being able to be dispensed. 

This advan­tage is par­tic­u­lar­ly impor­tant for users that find them­selves in one of the fol­low­ing two scenarios:

  1. The user is using a ther­mal grease but finds that he can­not meet the auto­mo­tive reli­a­bil­i­ty because they expe­ri­ence pump-out or dry­ing issues.
  2. The user likes the reli­a­bil­i­ty of hybrid ther­mal gels, but don’t want to invest (or do not have access to) dis­pens­ing equip­ment. They would pre­fer a print­ing process.

These two prod­ucts were orig­i­nal­ly designed based on spe­cif­ic cus­tomer feed­back. The HLT3000 was devel­oped after the cus­tomer real­ized that he need­ed a two-com­po­nent gel to replace grease with high reli­a­bil­i­ty. Due to their ini­tial low­er-vol­ume planned pro­duc­tion, they did­n’t want to invest in a dis­pens­ing machine. How­ev­er, the final appli­ca­tion was an auto­mo­tive appli­ca­tion for an elec­tri­cal con­trol product.

The sec­ond prod­uct, the ther­mal hybrid gel HT4500 was also orig­i­nal­ly designed for a cus­tomer who pre­ferred a pre-cured gel’s reli­a­bil­i­ty but also used a print­ing process.

Because both of the appli­ca­tions are auto­mo­tive, it was impor­tant to have these mate­ri­als test­ed again the auto­mo­tive reli­a­bil­i­ty require­ments. Below are the two data pack­ages for these mate­ri­als includ­ing the rig­or­ous vibra­tion test results:

Please vis­it our web­site to view our entire range of ther­mal inter­face mate­ri­als includ­ing one-com­po­nent ther­mal hybrid gels and two-com­po­nent ther­mal hybrid gels includ­ing the two mate­ri­als described in this arti­cle: HLT3000, and HT4500.

Here you will also find all rel­e­vant tech­ni­cal infor­ma­tion includ­ing tech­ni­cal data sheets and safe­ty data sheets. You can also con­tact us if you have any ques­tions about these or any oth­er Ther­mal Inter­face Mate­ri­als for auto­mo­tive reliability.

About Chris Perabo

Chris is an energetic and enthusiastic engineer and entrepreneur. He is always interested in taking highly technical subjects and distilling these to their essence so that even the layman can understand. He loves to get into the technical details of an issue and then understand how it can be useful for specific customers and applications. Chris is currently the Director of Business Development at CAPLINQ.

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