Sell products in Germany directly from a warehouse in Europe

Enter­ing a new mar­ket is always a big chal­lenge, and if you want to sell prod­ucts in Ger­many you will find in this arti­cle the answers that you were look­ing for!

It’s nev­er easy to deal with tax­es, reg­u­la­tions, ware­house, order ful­fill­ment, espe­cial­ly when explor­ing a new market.

Hav­ing a ware­house in Europe can save your com­pa­ny mon­ey and time when expand­ing your sells to Germany.

So, how a bond­ed ware­house in Europe can help when import­ing and sell­ing your prod­ucts in Germany?

Warehouse in Europe

Sell products in Germany with a local stock and optimize your capital

When import­ing goods to Ger­many, a bond­ed ware­house in Europe will be your local stock.

Local stock can put your com­pa­ny in the same posi­tion as local com­pa­nies as you will be able to offer fast deliv­ery. We can say that for­eign sup­pli­ers with local stocks are local suppliers.

And, this can save your com­pa­ny time, mon­ey and effort.

If your goods arrive in Europe straight to the cus­tomer in Ger­many, you usu­al­ly have to pay duty on those goods. When stor­ing goods in a Euro­pean ware­house, you can delay these pay­ments until the goods are released from the warehouse.

There­fore, the bond­ed ware­house can improve your company’s cash flow.

Your German customers still pay you directly

CAPLINQ’s order ful­fill­ment ser­vice acts as an enabler to save your and your customer’s mon­ey. The pay­ments for those goods are still between you and your cus­tomer directly.

Please vis­it us at to learn more about our Euro­pean Ware­house ser­vice and Order Fulfillment.

If you have any oth­er ques­tions about how CAPLINQ can help you to bring your busi­ness to the Euro­pean Union, please don’t hes­i­tate to con­tact us.

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