A1050 | Anti bleed Additive

Harmonization Code : 3910.00.00.90 |   Silicones in Primary Forms; Others
Main features
  • Silver filled systems
  • 100 mPa-s Viscosity
  • Non halogenated

Product Description

A-1050 (Part number A-6150) is a proprietary non-halogenated additive designed to reduce resin bleed out on a variety of surfaces with minimal or no affect on the adhesion properties of the formulation. It shows excellent results when used with metal filler systems such as silver. It also shows improved bleed properties with non-metal filled systems. It is co-curable in free-radical polymerization. It also can enhance the rheological properties of various filled adhesives.dhesives.

A-1050 is recommended for use as an additive to reduce resin bleed out specifically on metal surfaces. The recommended addition of the A-1050 to a formulation is between 0.5% - 1% weight percent of resin. It shows superior bleed control in silver filled formulations and can significantly reduce or eliminate resin bleed out in formulations that contain non-metal fillers such as silica. The addition of the A-1050 has also shown to significantly increase the thixotropic nature of silver filled adhesives.

Product Family
50gr Jar

Catalog Product

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Technical Specifications

General Properties
Appearance at room temperature.
Yellow liquid
Density (g) 0.98 g/cm3
Physical Properties
Viscosity is a measurement of a fluid’s resistance to flow.

Viscosity is commonly measured in centiPoise (cP). One cP is defined as
the viscosity of water and all other viscosities are derived from this base. MPa is another common unit with a 1:1 conversion to cP.

A product like honey would have a much higher viscosity -around 10,000 cPs-
compared to water. As a result, honey would flow much slower out of a tipped glass than
water would.

The viscosity of a material can be decreased with an increase in temperature in
order to better suit an application
100 mPa.s
Thermal Properties
Flash Point
Flash Point
The flashpoint of a solvent is the lowest possible temperature at which it can vaporize to form an ignitable vapor.

Flashpoint is often confused with “autoignition temperature”, which is the temperature at which a solvent ignites without an ignition source.
200 °C

Additional Information

A1050 Vs A1100 (Parts #A6150 vs #A6265)

A1050 and A1100 are similar in that they have acid functionality and are both good for metal surfaces. Of the two A1050 has been used successfully by industry leading sealant companies and is now used by major conductive die attach paste manufacturers.
A1050 has a more extensive track record while A1100 is a similar and potentially better alternative that is currently implemented in new processes.