European warehouse means local stock
Having your stock held locally in Europe is an important role in international supply chain, not only because put your company in the same position as local companies and but also because makes the delivery faster to your clients.
On a level playing field with European suppliers
Having a warehouse outside of Europe makes European customers nervous knowing that they will have to wait several days for the delivery, also, they will be concerned with the taxes that they will have to pay on top of the product price.
With a stock held locally in Europe, foreign suppliers will be on a level playing fields with European suppliers. Foreign suppliers with local stocks are just like local suppliers. With local stock your clients don't have to wait several days to received their goods and they also won't worry about paying duty as if they were buying from an international company.
Your inventory is considered a local safety stock
Suppliers that use our European warehouse and Order Fulfillment services can be benefit by offering their customers a local stock. Thus, with 75% of customers within a 24 hour drive and 99% of customers within a 3 day drive, customers consider this a local safety stock. European customers like local stock.

European warehouse means just-in-time delivery
A good company strategy always starts with focus on customer needs. With our experience, we can say that customers usually are asking for quality goods and fast delivery.
With your goods storage in our warehouse in Rotterdam, your company will be able to offer delivery to 75% of customers in Europe within a 24 hours and 99% of customers within a 3 days.
Your European Warehouse
With an European warehouse, your company will be able to use the same techniques multinational use to save money (you can read more about these techniques here). This will be a big financial advantage. Besides, you will be able to offer Just in time delivery and local customer service to your customers.
Local stock optimizes your capital
When importing goods to Europe, a European warehouse can save you money. If your goods arrive to Europe straight to the European customer, you usually have to pay taxes on those goods. By storing goods in a bonded warehouse, you can delay payments of the duties until the goods are released from the warehouse. In other words, European warehouse improve a company’s cash flow.
Having a warehouse in Europe can also reduce transit declaration fees. If goods need to be transported without being cleared a transport declaration must be made. The goods remain under the supervision and control of customs and companies must pay a fee for that declaration.
CAPLINQ'S European Warehouse can provide the local presence your business need.
To compete in Europe, foreign suppliers do not need a European entity, but they do need to have local presence.
CAPLINQ European warehouse can provide the local presence your business need so later on you can even decide on setting-up an European entity.

Your European customers pay you directly
CAPLINQ's order fulfillment service acts as an enabler to save your and your customers money. The payments for those goods are still between you and your customer directly.
Unlike traditional agents or partners, we do not charge commissions or fees for our services. Everything above is included in the logistics adder. We like to say that CAPLINQ's order fulfilment services are free. We make our money by taking a part of the savings!
Regardless of your targets or budget, CAPLINQ has a Order Fulfillment service proposal that will meet your objectives and budget. Let's talk.

Frequently Asked Questions about European Warehouse
Will my supplies will be handled/stored correctly?
If you want to sell your products in Europe, CAPLINQ’s order fulfillment services can provide to your company the best supply chain, from shipping to storage, delivery to invoice. With CAPLINQ you can trust that your products will be stored correctly, following all safety regulations. Our local warehouse in Europe can store products frozen (-40C to -20C, refrigerated (+4 to +7c) or at room temperature and ship to customer on received orders. Also, CAPLINQ handles dangerous goods & aerosols with safety and following all regulaitons.
What are the benefits of having a european warehouse for my customers?
75% of the customers will be able to receive their delivery in 24 hours and 99% of customers within 3 days. Also, with CAPLINQ”S order fulfillment service your costs are completely transparent and you will know exactly how much your customers will have to pay for your products, duty, shipping and delivery charges.
How can a European warehouse save money for my company?
If your goods arrive in Europe straight to the European customer, you usually have to pay duty on those goods by the time your products arrive in Europe. However, if you have an European warehouse to store your goods, you can delay those duties until the goods are released from the warehouse. In other words, having a European warehouse can optimize your company capital.
Is it require to have a local presence to compete in europe?
No. CAPLINQ European warehouse can provide the local presence your business need so that later on you can even decide on setting-up an European entity. With our European warehouse your company will have the same benefits of an European entity.
How would you summarize CAPLINQ's European Warehouse proposal?
We offer an warehouse in Europe to storage your products. This offers your company big advantages like local stock and just in time delivery. Our order fulfillment service will help you to sell your products in Europe with all the services and information you will need to bring your business to Europe.